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AET's comprehensive environmental due diligence services aim to empower our clients by swiftly pinpointing and evaluating potential risks of petroleum or hazardous wastes associated with real estate acquisition or redevelopment. In instances where Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) findings warrant the need for deeper investigation, AET can seamlessly progress to Phase II ESAs, adhering to the rigorous standards outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1903-19.


The primary objective of a Phase II ESA is to determine the actual or probable presence of petroleum products or hazardous wastes in the subsurface of a site with the purpose of ascertaining a better understanding of the potential financial impact such environmental liabilities have. This is achieved through meticulous testing of the soil, vapor, and/or groundwater to detect and quantify any potential contamination.

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Prior to implementing a Phase II ESA, AET requires a comprehensive understanding of the client's objectives and the project's goals. Our meticulously crafted scope of work is tailored to withstand the scrutiny of the various parties involved including lenders, regulators, attorneys and peers. AET boasts a team of adept geologists and engineers with specialized expertise in Phase II environmental project design. Whether you are buying a parcel of land, refinancing, or foreclosing, we can assist you in determining the potential environmental liability associated with the previous use of the property.

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Phase II ESA services include the following:

  • Additional File Review beyond Phase I ESA Reporting

  • Further Inspections of the Property, Facilities and of Adjoining Properties

  • Further Review of Historical Site Use and Geological Conditions

  • Soil and Groundwater Sampling

  • Soil Vapor Surveys

  • Monitoring Well Installation

  • Lab Analysis and Risk Assessment

  • Recommendations for Additional Investigations Not Covered in Phase II ESAs


Whether you're navigating property transactions, pursuing development projects, or managing environmental risks, our Phase II assessments offer a detailed roadmap for informed decision-making. With state-of-the-art techniques and a commitment to excellence, we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn.

For assistance with your next project, or for further information about our services,

call us at +1-800-989-8298 or contact us today.

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